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Spread the Word 2022

Spread the Word 2022

Champions of Change

Community Living North Bay is participating in the Spread the Word Campaign on March 2nd 2022. Formerly, the “R-Word Campaign” Spread the Word has a goal of building inclusive communities globally.

This year’s theme is “Champions of Change”

Here are some questions we are asking! How will you be a champion of change this year? How can you build a more inclusive future for your community? Who are the champions of change in your life?

Follow along on our social media, and don’t forget to take the pledge at

Make your pledge, and take action to use respectful language, and help us build a more inclusive world.

For more information visit:



North Bay and Area Champions of Change Award

As part of the Spread the Word event, Community Living North Bay is hosting the North Bay and Area Champions of Change Award!

There are 4 categories:

  • Child
  • Youth
  • Business
  • Organization

Download a nomination form, and submit it to [email protected] by February 25th 2022!