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Employer FAQ and Testimonials

Why should I hire someone with a disability?

More than ever employers are discovering that hiring people who have an intellectual disability makes good business sense. Employees who have a disability rate average or above average in performance ratings on the job. Bottom line is that employees with intellectual disabilities are able to do the job.

Employers have much to gain by hiring qualified and skilled people who have an intellectual disability.

Are accommodations expensive for persons with a disability?

The majority of employers who had made accommodations found that the cost of the accommodation was only $500 or less. The vast majority of employers report that their employees with disabilities did not require accommodations.

If I hire someone with a disability, they won’t stay with my business very long.

People with disabilities are more likely to stay at a business longer than those without a disability. It may take more time to train someone with a disability, but they retention with businesses tends to be much longer.

What if an employment opportunity does not work out?

Sometimes matches don’t work out between the person and the employer. This is the case for people with and without a disability. Employment Services can support the person as well as the employer in having this conversation so that it is understood by both parties the reason for ending employment.

Testimonials from Employers

“The Employment First Program is great. We have the pleasure to employ Daniel for over 4 years now. This young man never misses work, and is up for anything we give him to do.” – Lynn Freeland, Home Hardware – Carry All Home Building Center

“Jonathon is very thorough, the building occupants love his cleaning as he is very meticulous.” – Bill, Evripos

“Mathew came in with some great training from Community Living North Bay. It was a no brainer to have him on our team. It’s a fast pace environment and a lot of what he does holds the kitchen together. He came in without a hiccup. His smile, it changes the whole attitude in the kitchen.” – Jon Blahut, Owner, Shoeless Joe’s